What are the costs for becoming a Real Estate Salesperson in CT?

Costs associated with becoming a Real Estate Salesperson in Connecticut
Becoming a Connecticut Real Estate Salesperson requires that you are are 18 years of age to take the two (2) PSI Exams, pass the Salesperson’s Real Estate Course classroom-based 60-hours with 70% passing final test score to receive a Certificate of Completion and take two (2) Connecticut PSI exams (National Portion and Connecticut State portion). Costs associated with this include:
$375 Real Estate Classes in CT (60 hours) ( fees typically vary from ~$375-$500 for many CT schools)
$80 PSI Real Estate Salesperson Application Fee
$59 Two (2) Exam Fee (national and state portions)
$285 Annual License Fee (add initial $20 for Real Estate Guarantee Fund)
Capital Real Estate School (CT DCP/REC approved #1017) offers the $425 60-hour Real Estate Salesperson Classes both day and evening on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday (see our COURSES menu for schedule and location details).
What education is required prior to becoming a Real Estate Broker in Connecticut?
To become a Connecticut Real Estate Broker, you must:
- Complete a 60-hr Real Estate Course in CT (Principles & Practice Course)
- Have two years ‘active’ Salesperson license with the Brokerage firm
- Complete 15-hour Brokerage P&P Course and 15-hr Legal Compliance Course
- Have 20 or more real estate transactions in the past five years or complete:
- 15-hour Elective Course (Capital Real Estate School offers: Real Estate Property Management Course)
- 15-hour Elective Course (Capital Real Estate School offers: Real Estate Investment Course)
- Take and pass with 75% score for the two (2) State PSI Real Estate exams (National & State portions)
What education is required prior to becoming a Real Estate Salesperson in Connecticut?
To become a Connecticut Real Estate Salesperson, you must:

Become a Real Estate Salesperson
- complete the 60-hour Real Estate Course in CT (Principles & Practice Course),
(NOTE: All 60 hours must be completed in a classroom conducted by an instructor) - be at least 18 years old to take the two (2) PSI exams and obtain a Real Estate Salesperson License
- take and pass with 70% score for the two (2) State PSI Real Estate exams (National and State portions)
- pass bothState PSI Real Estate exams and then affiliate with a Connecticut licensed Real Estate Brokerage to activate your license to practice
What about Refunds?
Requests received before Noon (12:00 pm) on the last business day prior to the start of the first class session, will receive a tuition refund.
- NO REFUNDS will be made after the start of the second class session. Students are responsible to pay full course tuition.
- Students who have notified Capital Real Estate School of their intent to transfer to alternate Capital Real Estate School course will be allowed a maximum of two (2) change-transfers within one (1) year of their original class start date.
- The school reserves the right to expel any students who continue to miss excessive numbers of classes.
Can I make partial payments for courses?
Yes!! Students may register with full payment or make a deposit payment at registration as follows:
Salesperson Real Estate License Course (60hrs):
- Cash/Check/CCard $221 minimum down payment & pay the remainder 3~4 weeks after class starts.
15 Hour 2-day Broker Candidate and Elective Courses (15hrs):
- Cash/Check/CCard $225 payment for these 15-hour Broker Candidate Courses.
3 Hour Continuing Education Courses (3hrs):
- Cash/Check/CCard Full tuition must be paid in advance or on the same day as the 3-hour Continuing Education course is held.
What if I need to come to class more than 15 minutes late?
Sign-in & sign-out is taken for each class session. It is the responsibility for each student to sign in and sign out of the classroom. If either Sign-In or Sign-Out attendance forms are not signed, then the student will NOT receive credit for that class. Make-up exams may be offered with instructor’s approval.
Students may not leave the classroom during class hours to make business/personal phone calls or conduct other business outside of the classroom.
All students will receive credit for the time actually spent in class.
Students must be in attendance within 15 minutes of the start of class for credit for course time. Students who miss more than 15 minutes will need to make up time with another class concurrently running or following course class to meet the minimum classroom hours requirement as set by state REC/DCP.
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Have additional questions about Connecticut Real Estate Schools, courses or requirements?
If you have any questions about Real Estate Courses in CT please contact us either by phone (203.692.5533), Website Message Board on HOME page or CONTACT page.
We can answer your questions about requirements, courses required for both Salesperson and Broker Licenses and provide you with specific websites, links and contacts.